Space Exploration MB Supplies


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Space Exploration Merit Badge

We will be offering the Space Exploration Merit Badge on Saturday, February 5, at the Scout House, starting at approximately 8:30 AM and ending by 11 AM.

Requirement 3 of the Merit Badge is to build, launch, and recover a model rocket, with a second launch to accomplish a specific objective.  We will discuss in detail the specifics of the requirement that will satisfy this merit badge course, as well as the laws in California that govern model rocketry.  DO NOT FLY A ROCKET ON YOUR OWN BEFORE ATTENDING THIS CLASS.

You are free to purchase and build rockets on your own from any source, such as  However, the last time we offered this merit badge, we purchased easy-to-build rockets in bulk from  This time, we will offer to purchase DiscountRocketry’s Nexus rocket, which was a very easy-to-build rocket that flew reliably many times during the last merit badge class.  We will also purchase Estes A8-3 and C6-5 rocket motors as well as chute wadding.  If you wish us to provide your rocket, 2 motors, and chute wadding, the cost is $16 through this web page.

The deadline for payment is Thursday, January 20 at midnight.  Please e-mail Mr. Labrador if you have questions.